I know that we're all busy with work, school, kids, etc., but tomorrow is Election Day in America again. I know that some people think they don't have time, but it doesn't take very long to fill out a form and slip it in to a box. Although we aren't determining who is going to sit in the Oval Office again quite yet, we are going to be determining the direction this country is going to go. With many seats up for grabs in the House and the Senate, we all need to take interest in what is going on and where we would like to see the country go in the future.
While I would love for the election to go one way, and others would like it to go another, that is besides the point. Getting out and having your voice heard is the biggest thing about election days. Here is the way I look at it, if you don't get out and vote, you don't have a right to complain about what is going on in this country. Is there something that you want to get done? Is there something that you don't want to see get passed? Vote. It's that simple.
Voting not only makes a difference on the State/National level, it also makes a difference in your local community. Take, for instance, the voting in Iowa's Pottawattamie County. For people like myself, and thousands of other people, our jobs are on the line. What is something that many people, old and young, like to do for a night out? People like to go to the casino; whether you're pulling a lever or playing cards, that could all be gone because of one vote, don't let it be yours. Every eight years the casinos are put up for a vote, each and every one of them. Just because you may not like Ameristar or Harrah's, but love playing at Horseshoe, you must vote (for those of you in PottCo., please vote "YES" on C & D (one is for the riverboat casinos (Harrah's and Ameristar) and the other is for Horseshoe)) to be able to continue to enjoy that.
I can't stress enough the importance of Election Day. We need to get this country back on track, and back on the forefront of economic development, putting people back to work and making sure that people know that the United States is back in action and means business.
Tomorrow. Election Day. Get Out. Vote.